Jumat, 15 Desember 2023, seluruh siswa SMK Cokroaminoto Pandak melaksankan outing class ke TVRI Yogyakarta. Mereka ikut pengambilan gambar salah satu program TVRI yaitu Angkringan.Keceriaan tampak di wajah para siswa. Setelah beberapa hari kemarin mengikuti Asesmen Sumatif Semester Ganjil, akhirnya waktunya healing tiba. Selain dapat senang, para siswa juga dapat...
Kami ucapkan selamat atas kelulusan Siswa/Siswi SMK Cokroaminoto Pandak Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024. Semoga ilmunya bermanfaat dan membawa kebaikan untuk diri sendiri dan orang lain. Kalian adalah harapan orangtua. Teruslah berkembang dan berkarya agar hidup kalian lebih bewarna. Jadilah pelajar bijak dengan tidak melakukan aksi corat-coret seragam sertai konvoi atau melakukan...
Branding team
Working on web design our team creates astonishing products representing your brand.
Identifying the need
On this stage we communicate with the client to know more about his company and define the goals.
Videography production
Creating and handling professional video is our strong point, playing major role in business strategy.
Branding team
Working on web design our team creates astonishing products representing your brand.
Opening of a branch
A great brand combines design and conveys company’s value evoking emotion and drive strategy.
Project Presentation
The final step is to present our project to a client. We show our vision of his request and perform what we’ve done.
Creating a project
Our creative team works on the project, offering its several variants. We make visual presentation and go on working.
Identifying the need
On this stage we communicate with the client to know more about his company and define the goals.